Annual Report 2023
Keys Group is pleased to announce the publication of its Annual Report for 2023.
Pathway House is a specialist residential service that offers a homely, relaxed atmosphere that enables people to explore boundaries in a safe and structured setting. People can realise their potential and gain maximum control over their future.
We support up to 10 people with Mental Health needs who may also have a dual diagnosis of Autism or a mild Learning Disability. The people at Pathway House are supported to understand their diagnosis and develop coping strategies to manage their anxieties, which reduce the frequency and severity of challenging behaviours.
Specialist training enables our staff team to gain a clear understanding of everyone we support. This includes the ability to support people to improve their living and social awareness skills which are further developed through accessing the community. Our approach offers people access to college, travel training and leisure activities. We want to see things through each person’s eyes so we truly understand their goals and aspirations. We support people to take risks and find innovative ways to enable them to achieve their dreams in a safe way.
We work with people to help them build their futures and achieve their aspirations through supporting them to access training, volunteering and employment opportunities. Everyone is encouraged to engage in their local community and to learn and practice new skills in a supported environment.
Pathway House offers 1-1, 2-1 and 3-1 support. People supported at Pathway House also have access to psychiatry and home therapeutic groups on mindfulness.
We can provide support with:
Social and recreational needs
Vocational retraining
Personal budget and finance management
Travel training
Skills development and re-enablement
Personal and health care needs
Building links with friends, family, and the community
Household tasks (cooking, cleaning, etc.)
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Pathway House is a 10 bedroom service that has lots of communal spaces to encourage socialising and interaction. There are two open access kitchens, a dining area and a laundry room that allows people we support to gain confidence and build on their life skills. The service also has a conservatory and spacious gardens.
Pathway House is situated in a rural location in the small village of Wyboston in Bedfordshire. The nearest town is St Neots which is a 10-minute drive away. St Neots
has plenty of leisure and recreational amenities for the people we support to access. There are also transport links available to Bedford town, Sandy, and Biggleswade. There is a train that goes from St Neots to Peterborough, London, and Cambridge, so there are plenty of options for traveling to different towns and cities.
Enhancing Care and Quality of Life with Activity and Communication Passports at Pathway House
When it comes to supporting individuals in our services, personalised care is of the utmost importance. At Pathway House, an Accomplish service dedicated to supporting individuals with mental health needs, autism and learning disabilities, this goal became a reality with the creation of unique ‘Activity and Communication Passports.’ These passports, in addition to the existing support plans, have revolutionised the way support is delivered, making it more tailored and efficient, ultimately improving the quality of care and life for the individuals we support.
The concept for these passports originated from a staff member at Pathway House who recognised the need for a more personalised approach to care. With a diverse group of individuals from various cultural backgrounds, each person we support at Pathway House has their own distinct likes, dislikes, and communication styles. To bridge this gap and ensure that the care provided meets the unique needs of each individual, the idea of Activity and Communication Passports was born.
The Activity and Communication Passports take the form of personalised books. Each staff member contributes valuable insights on how they support each person in the service. These insights encompass a variety of aspects, including specific phrases used by the individuals and their meanings, preferred places to visit, preferred and disliked sounds, and communication methods. The objective is to provide a comprehensive resource for all staff members, both new and existing, to ensure that their support is highly personalised and efficient.
The Activity and Communication Passports have made a significant impact on the quality of care at Pathway House. According to Kate Houseago, the Service Manager at Pathway House, “I am so proud of my staff team for all their hard work on these Activity and Communication Passports. In addition to having a support plan for each person, these passports provide another layer of education on each individual’s needs and requirements.
“Everything we’ve learned about the people we support is documented in these passports. The individuals we support adore them and appreciate having a book all about them!”
With these passports in place, staff members are not only more knowledgeable but also more confident in taking the people we support out into the community. This has translated into enriching experiences for the individuals, fostering their independence and engagement with the outside world.
Kate further emphasises the effect of these passports, stating, “We believe that the individuals we support have become happier as a result of these passports because they have had great experiences with staff members when out and about. Everyone has gotten to know each individual really well through these passports, and it has improved the quality of support and the quality of life for the individuals we support.”
In conclusion, the Activity and Communication Passports at Pathway House are a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration from staff at Pathway House. It’s a heart-warming reminder that continued personalisation and inclusion can lead to transformative change in the delivery of care for the individuals we support.
“I found the home to be adequate in staffing and cleanliness. The staff were friendly and polite. I spoke to the manager who was polite and professional and very knowledgeable about the resident. The information that I required was provided to me. I was able to speak to the resident in safe surroundings.” Review from Independent Mental Capacity Advocate |
Annual Report 2023
Keys Group is pleased to announce the publication of its Annual Report for 2023.
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